Autoimmune Neuropathy and CIDP

CIDP also known as chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy is an auto-immune disease of the nervous system characterized by progressive weakness and impaired sensory function in the legs and arms. CIDP is closely related to Guillan-Barre Disease. Treatment for CIDP includes steroids and immunosuppressant drugs. Plasmapheresis (plasma exchange) and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy also commonly used. Aggressive treatment is used to prevent loss of axons. Some cases progress and are resistant to medical therapy, making it difficult to manage symptoms. There is hope that mesenchymal stem cells will mitigate some of the degenerative effects of CIDP neuropathy. Research is ongoing to evaluate the effects of stem cells on auto-immune conditions.

Autoimmune Neuropathy and CIDP with Cell Surgical Network

CELL SURGICAL NETWORK has developed a specific SVF deployment protocol that attempts to utilize the potential immune-modulatory and regenerative properties of SVF (rich in mesenchymal stem cells and growth factors). SVF is deployed systemically and may require repeat dosing. This is done as an outpatient at the time of SVF harvesting and procurement. The entire cellular surgical procedure takes approximately three hours.

Autoimmune Neuropathy and CIDP Call to Action

We care about our Autoimmune Neuropathy and CIDP patients at Cell Surgical Network and take pride in the time we provide to our patients to deploy the best protocols to help our patients achieve their goals. By filling out Confidential Candidate Application, we will answer all of the questions and concerns you may have about Cell Surgical Network protocols for Autoimmune Neuropathy and CIDP. Our Cell Surgical Network has Treatment Centers in several states, checkout our Physician Network to find the closest Treatment Center Our Physician Network Map