CSN Holds First Training Conference Out of State

CSN-Holds-FirstJacksonville, FL, October 16-17, 2015 ­ Dr. Lander and Dr. Berman spent the weekend at the Samuel Wells SurgiCenter & Renaissance Center for Cosmetic Renewel, discussing stem cells with locals and Southern Floridians who traveled to Jacksonville this to attend the first CSN Training Session ever to be held outside of the state of California.  The symposium included lectures held at the Memorial Hospital, for the advancement of health related topics ranging from estrogen¹s effect on stem cells, to the use of stem cell therapy for erectile dysfunction.  The doctors signed copies of their new book, The Stem Cell Revolution, and met with physician candidates in person to answer their questions about stem cells from autologous connective tissues in fat.  A select few observed a live surgical demonstration on Saturday morning in Dr. Obi¹s operating room.  To learn more about CSN¹s training session for doctors, please click on the ³Events² section of this website, or e-mail Campaigns@CellSurgicalNetwork.com.  To learn more about CSN affiliate and renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Lewis Obi, please visit www.obiplasticsurgery.com.