Hair Regeneration With Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF)
Hair Regeneration with Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF) is now available at California Stem Cell Treament Center. Based on animal models of hair regrowth (by stimulation of dormant follicles) and anecdotal cases of hair restoration associated with the administration of adult mesenchymal stem cells, sufficient evidence exists to justify a pilot study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a hair regeneration protocol. The protocol will include mild to moderate male pattern alopecia patients. As the study progresses, other patients might be included as well. Enrollment is now open and cost has been minimized to rapidly obtain useful data. Although there is great demand and interest in hair regeneration and many patients were going overseas to groups like Recoverup (currently not taking new patients) to explore stem cell options, there remains a paucity of adequate clinical data on outcomes.
Hair Regeneration and California Stem Cell Treatment Center
will use stem cells obtained from a person’s own fat and introduce microdoses 5mm into the scalp through thousands of tiny injections in a controlled fashion during an outpatient procedure for Hair Regeneration. Some patients will also received light stimulation of their scalps during the healing period. California Stem Cell Treatment Center nows provides the latest generation advances in Hair restoration using NeoGraft.
Hair Regeneration Call to Action
We care about our Hair patients at California Stem Cell Treatment Center and the Cell Surgical Network and take pride in the time we provide to our patients to deploy the best protocols to help our patients achieve their goals. By filling out Confidential Candidate Application, we will answer the questions and concerns you may have about California Stem Cell Treatment Center and Cell Surgical Network protocols for Hair Regeneration. Our Cell Surgical Network has Treatment Centers in several states, checkout our Physician Network to find the closest Treatment Center Our Physician Network Map