ICCS Donates $10K to California State University, Northridge for Rat Concussion Study
Northridge, CA, December 23, 2015 – The International Cell Surgical Society (ICCS), headquartered in southern California and overseen by a varied local group of doctors, business persons, and religious leaders, has contributed over ten thousand dollars towards a rat concussion project at California State University, Northridge. This research grant will allow for the study of autologous stromal vascular fraction in rats, and will help to determine whether or not stem cells from SVF are efficacious in treating brain injury caused by a controlled concussion. The study will be conducted by Sean Berman, an Amherst College graduate, and a Louisiana Tech biology graduate student working in the labs at CSUN. ICSS is a 501c3 nonprofit organization, with the mission of advancing the safety and effective use of autologous stromal vascular fraction as a practice of medicine. As part of its mission, the ICSS maintains and manages a Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) registered Institutional Review Board to review new and innovative medical therapies and proposed clinical studies. This review board oversees all protocols and therapy changes for the California Stem Cell Treatment Centers of Rancho Mirage and Beverly Hills, the first centers of a now much larger organization, the Cell Surgical Network®. To learn more about the International Cell Surgical Society (ICSS), please visit http://www.internationalcellsurgicalsociety.org/ or e-mail info@internationalcellsurgicalsociety.org. To learn more about the Cell Surgical Network®, please visit www.StemCellRevolution.com, or e-mail Campaigns@CellSurgicalNetwork.com.