Mechanisms of oxidative damage in multiple sclerosis and a cell therapy approach to treatment.

Autoimmune Dis. 2010 Dec 15;2011:164608.
Mechanisms of oxidative damage in multiple sclerosis and a cell therapy approach to treatment.
Witherick J, Wilkins A, Scolding N, Kemp K.
Multiple Sclerosis and Stem Cell Group, Institute of Clinical Neurosciences, School of Clinical Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol BS16 1LE, UK.
Although significant advances have recently been made in the understanding and treatment of multiple sclerosis, reduction of long-term disability remains a key goal. Evidence suggests that inflammation and oxidative stress within the central nervous system are major causes of ongoing tissue damage in the disease. Invading inflammatory cells, as well as resident central nervous system cells, release a number of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species which cause demyelination and axonal destruction, the pathological hallmarks of multiple sclerosis. Reduction in oxidative damage is an important therapeutic strategy to slow or halt disease processes. Many drugs in clinical practice or currently in trial target this mechanism. Cell-based therapies offer an alternative source of antioxidant capability. Classically thought of as being important for myelin or cell replacement in multiple sclerosis, stem cells may, however, have a more important role as providers of supporting factors or direct attenuators of the disease. In this paper we focus on the antioxidant properties of mesenchymal stem cells and discuss their potential importance as a cellbased therapy for multiple sclerosis.
PMID: 21197107 [PubMed – in process]